Cultivating Resilience & Joy On The Other Side of Heartbreak

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Things Lost, Then Found

I thought about the saying I would give anything, or maybe lose everything, to relive a moment; or my case another day, an hour, even a minute with Joe.

Honestly, and selflessly, I want to keep everything and also have Joe. Our family has been strained. The laughter, that in the past came so easily, is forced and the bantering is less than entertaining. We tiptoe around our feelings always keeping the rawness of our grief in check. Trust me this is the showdown of all times of who will crack first and honestly it is usually me. We stumble through our transformation, holding on to each other for dear life.

But last night, with the help of a funny little game called Table Topics, we pulled card after card giving us an opportunity to talk, remember and laugh. It was a glimpse of what was and what will be. In a word, hope.


  1. I was so glad to see your family this morning - even if only for that brief moment. I hope your Sunday in Chattanooga was everything it needed to be.

  2. Dear Diane,
    Keep holding on to the hope.
    Hope for brighter days ahead and fond memories that make you laugh or smile, and not cry.
    You are the strongest person that I know, I admire your strength.
