Cultivating Resilience & Joy On The Other Side of Heartbreak

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mission Statements

As we continue our serious business of moving forward and growing Joedance Film Festival I was set to the task of writing the mission statement.  You know I wanted to go on and on about these rare cancers, how they have little funding, the break throughs are far and few between.  The numbers of those who are afflicted are small, so small that it is 300 or less a year.

And in the end it came down to a few short lines.  Joedance Film Festival raises funds and awareness of rare and complex cancers, specifically sarcomas, blastomas and brain tumors for research and clinical trials.

That is what Joedance is all about and we appreciate your support these past years and the years to come.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Serious Business

Bert Woodard coming on board as the head of PR thrust us into the serious business of Joedance.  We are in an arena of several folks that want to join us in raising money through a film festival for rare and complex cancers.   They are passionate and throw so many ideas at us to the point of head spinning.  But one meeting, maybe it was two meetings, there was a thread of reality;  take it slow and remember why you started Joedance.

We started Joedance because we loved Joe and he loved films.  We started it because we were sad and we wanted a time and place for our family and friends of our family to be together to remember an extraordinary son, brother, grandson, nephew and friend.  We started the film festival to hopefully find a better treatment for osetosarcma.  We continue on to raise awareness of this rare cancer that only afflicts 300 adolescents every year.  We are committed to our son's memory and to those who will benefit from research.

And with your support  we will make that happen.  Thank you and I extend my deepest gratitude for  your time and energy in support of Joedance,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back to College

David flew off to Scotland on Monday compactly packed in his one small checked bag and two even smaller carry on bags.  He is a light traveler.  A message on my Facebook came late at night the he had arrived and was moved in to his apartment in St. Andrew's.  Tony leaves on Tuesday and will arrive in Chicago after our 14 hour drive.  I will deposit him at a friend's apartment until he can move in to the dorm on the 20th.  

And so starts the second year of college and leaving me to wonder where the time went.  So many had said to me when they were born the time goes by so quickly but that was hard to believe when stuck in those long days when they were babies. And somewhere between the diapers and the diplomas the time flew at warp speed.  Looking back now it seems that just one blink later they are talking about medical school, graduate school and careers.

I cannot control the time flying past me but I recognize the occasional pause as they share their` dreams of their futures. Then a second later they are off to another topic.  Yes, it is on to the second year with a snippet here or there and the  comfort of knowing they are on their way to wonderful lives.

Tony and David I wish you good luck in your second year.  

Friday, September 7, 2012

The DNC Hangover

My ambition at the start of the DNC was to post something everyday.  After day two time and energy escaped me and now it is over.  And just like anything else, imbibing in too much of good thing the result is a hangover.

Charlotte put her best face on and the 2012 DNC was touted as the most open convention ever.  Even the NDI, which holds forums for international dignitaries, opened their program to the public for the first time ever.  And yes there were protests but the police considerably outnumbered their ranks and I felt safe walking the streets even late at night.  Celebrities and politicians were walking the streets patiently putting up with our staring, photos and handshaking.

David was on the floor due to his internship every night and we were lucky to get passes for Thursday night.  And what an experience, one that can never be captured by television coverage.  Gabby Giffords doing the Pledge of Allegiance was one of the most memorable moments.  Hearing the warm up speeches was tons of fun as well as funny at times and then to see President Obama and Vice President Biden deliver speeches in person was nothing short of incredible.

I drank in every moment thinking how lucky we are to live this country.  Yep the result is the DNC hangover and if I could do it again I would in a New York minute.    

Monday, September 3, 2012

DNC day Two

Mike and I walked CarolinaFest, went to the Harvey Gantt Museum and then I went off to work the Echo Foundation at the Knight Theater.  General Walker Casey spoke and charged us with the task of coming together to work  for the country.  Kathy Kennedy Townsend supported his words.

The stars of the night , though, were the Echo Youth Ambassadors, a range of high school students. They work for the future, their future, and give their time with the echoing idea that politics and one's civic duties is a right given upon the people of this nation at birth. Not 16 with the right to drive, 18 with the right to vote, or 21 with the right to drink, but the moment we take our first breath of air.

Preview of the DNC

Today started with a walk uptown Charlotte, wings at Hooter's and witnessing a very calm protest march. We took in the MSNBC stage at the Epicenter, the sand sculptors done by the Myrtle Beach Visitors Bureau, which by the way withstood our heavy rain storm yesterday, and were even stopped on the street by a Canadian newspaper reporter for our opinion of the upcoming election.  No, you will not see any quotes from us as we did not offer our names.

Tonight I ushered an event at the Knight Theater that featured the former Mayor of Charlotte Harvey Gantt and the Reverend Jesse Jackson.   The evening was wonderful and I am so grateful to be a part of this incredible experience.