Cultivating Resilience & Joy On The Other Side of Heartbreak

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I sat in the long pew with my family thinking about Easter and how this is the holiday of hope and renewal. But as the sermon began I was shaken to the raw core of my emotions. The Minister spoke of death, specifically of tragic deaths, the ones that leave us wondering and searching for an answer. My first response was why are you talking about this? And do you have any idea how you have moved me from my already shaky ground to a cliff where I am teetering on the ledge?

But the message twisted and turned to the point of understanding, that no matter the length of time, we are here for a purpose. Sitting beside Tony and David, so handsome, smart and on the brink of pursuing their future; I took time to recall our Easter Sundays in the past. I could see Joe's face as a child, his smile, bright eyes and the love he had for us and we for him.

I felt hope, sadness, joy and for the first time I remembered Joe before cancer.

Wishing you all the joy of Easter.

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