Cultivating Resilience & Joy On The Other Side of Heartbreak

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Yesterday was a very long day, one that would have taxed even the best of human conditions. It was the Tennessee State Dive meet, a 10 hour marathon infused with diet cokes and coffee to keep going. Not to mention the drive from Charlotte to Knoxville and back. Well, again it was another Restaino Road trip.

But in the end it was more joy that I have felt in over a two years. It wasn't that Tony dove incredibly well, through a triple dive or broke a 29 year old school record; it was that we had a moment, a sliver of a golden time after a vast bleakness of dark. We laughed all the way home, like we did in the past from swim and dive meets; we stopped to ordered fries and milkshakes and drove home in the wee hours of the night.

Tony had a perfect meet, we had a perfect day.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a miracle that you have moments/days like this. Wishing you more and more of them.
