Cultivating Resilience & Joy On The Other Side of Heartbreak

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Moving On In Slow Motion

Many times these past months I have felt life is moving in slow motion. I am not as quick. I struggle in conversations searching for words and even my gait feels as though I am trudging through quick sand. This is the physical and visible part of grief. The more shrouded emotions are deep inside only to be jolted free by a place or a familiar word and always a memory. The pain is excruciating and I struggled to keep it from flying out of control.

It has been less than three months since our son Joe passed away yet it seems like a year. We are moving on, but in slow motion and one tiny step at a time.


  1. So very very proud of you for getting this going. YOU ARE the precious flower poking out of the harsh concrete, defying all odds to not only survive, but to lift the rest of us up, too. xo jm

  2. thinking always of you and yours and what was and what will be. as i said in charlotte , i wish i could express myself and my emotions as wonderfully as you do...
    lve you

  3. Diane,
    Keep putting one foot in front of the other. So many people are cheering you on.Joe is watching over all of us. Many times I find myself thinking "what would Joe say about that?" I know he is keeping tabs on Steven at school.
    Best of luck with your new blog. I love the picture. You are that little yellow flower poking throught the concrete. GROW!
    Love you,

  4. The weather here in CT has been glorious. Two days of 65 degree weather and the sun shining! Wonderful after all the dreary weather we have been having. Hope the sun is shining in Charlotte too.
