Cultivating Resilience & Joy On The Other Side of Heartbreak

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Test Run

We are getting ready for the Third Annual Joedance Film Festival and of course we had do a test run with our new equipment.  No longer will you have to crane your neck to watch the movie on the side of the house.  We have a screen, a big screen, and you can watch every movie in the comfort of your chair.  There will be Mike's hotdogs, Mollie's popcorn, and of course a Joedance drink cup for a small donation and yours for the keeping. And the Carolinas Healthcare Foundation and Levine Childrens Hospital has partnered with us.  Well, that is big news.

But the bonus is that a neighbor has offered his film that he wrote, directed and filmed in  Fourth Ward.  I am loving the connection.  Joedance 2012 is going to the best ever.

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