Cultivating Resilience & Joy On The Other Side of Heartbreak

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Love My Boys, But....

I love my boys with all of my heart, would go to the ends of the earth for them, but can we talk about their quirks that drive me crazy. David leaves everything to the last minute to the point of total frustration. Tony is oblivious to his surroundings and any other person's feelings. Joe's stubbornness diluted us to sheer guttural screaming.

But for some odd reason I only remember the times we laughed so hard at dinner we fell out of our chairs. I remember the road trips, the swim meets, the dive meets, the gymnastic meets, the regattas. I remember the late night talks of what they were sure of and their doubts. I remember the decisions about high school and college. I remember Tony and David crawling in bed with Joe to watch an episode of something on HULU. I remember the cold days, the sunny days, the dark days. I remember tears rolling down our cheeks and then the joy of passing on a son and brother's memory with a scholarship. I remember Joe, Tony and David's Chapel talks and how proud I was to be sitting in the front row.

Yes, our children test us to the limit, push us to the edge, question the "what if's" but they are ours to keep close and love to the end.

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