Cultivating Resilience & Joy On The Other Side of Heartbreak

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

T-Minus Two Days,

December 19th and two days from now will be Joe's birthday.  He would be have been 23 and God knows what he would be doing now.  But I miss him and always wonder what could of , should of have been.  A friend asked the other day how I was doing.  No, I cannot say I am doing well with his birthday and the holidays so close together, but I replied I am keeping myself busy.

But really what I have done is found a cause bigger than me and my grief.  Joedance Film Festival has filled a void, given me a reason to get up in the morning, put a positive foot forward and engage with so many talented people, who by the way never knew Joe, but believe in the cause. We never had control over Joe's cancer, but we have control of how we remember him and raise awareness of rare pediatric cancers.

So yes I have kept busy but this year with a purpose and I thank everyone who has been such support to our family these past years until we found our way.

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