Cultivating Resilience & Joy On The Other Side of Heartbreak

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Crossword Puzzles and Suduko

The funny thing about routines is that they conjure up memories. Like your breakfast routine growing up, we try to replicate them but it is never quite the same when on your own. Waffles and eggs always taste better from my mom than they do from me.

Which brings me to crossword puzzles and suduko which were always a part of our daily routines. I have been doing the crossword for years and Mike has been hooked on suduko and both became a part of our day when Joe was dying. Mike would work the suduko with Tony and David and when Joe returned home we started our day with my cup of coffee and the crossword puzzle. If it was a good day we would move on to the jumble. There has been an absence of crossword words and suduko numbers on that particular page for the past two years. Then last week I picked up the pencil and worked the crossword. And I cried.

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